Clare News
A golf fundraising event by the Clare Community Association and Clare Park Lake Golf Club.
As part of H.M.The Queen's 90th birthday celebrations the Clare Community Association together with Clare Baptist Church has organised a tea party in the Town Hall for the over-65's on Sunday 12th Ju...
A public consultation will take place in Clare Town Hall on Wednesday 18th May 2016 from 4pm to 8pm.
The Annual Town Meeting will take place on Wednesday 11th May at 7pm in Clare Town Hall.
A JOINT INITIATIVE BY CLARE CASTLE COUNTRY PARK TRUST AND CLARE ANCIENT HOUSE MUSEUM, SUPPORTED BY TOURISM CLARE A programme of walks and tours has been drawn up and will be advertised through Suffolk...
Clare Town Council is publishing this set of bye-laws for various areas of Clare to ensure that everyone understands what is permitted.
Clare Castle Country Park has been selected as one of the three finalists in the Tesco East of England Region’s "Bags of Help” community initiative.
There is an increase in complaints about dog fouling around Clare at the moment, particularly along the High Street and Station Road and mainly during the evenings and early mornings when it is still dark.
Thank you to the Christmas Lights Committee and all those who volunteered and supported the switch on event on Friday.
Saturday 31st October 2015 saw the return of the fantastic 'Pumpkins in the Park' Halloween event in Clare Castle Country Park, enjoyed by children and adults alike.
Remembrance Parade, Sunday 8th November Preparations are in place for the Remembrance Day Parade, and we would like to notify all residents and businesses in Clare who may be affected that a temporar...
When the Clare Castle Country Park Trust was set up it was agreed that the initial trustees would resign with effect from the end of 2015 and new trustees would be appointed from 1st January 2016.
In 2008 Clare Town Council, then Clare Parish Council, sponsored a community group to lead the work to understand the needs and desires of our community.
Shopkeepers and traders in Suffolk’s smallest market town are combining forces on Saturday September 12 with a day of sales, discounts and events to bring back customers and boost business following a four week road closure over the summer holidays.
A Pop-up Picnic event will take place in Clare Castle Country Park on Sunday 13th September in the Outer Bailey from 1pm until 4pm.
World War I – the Fallen A brief commemoration will take place at 11 am on Friday 21st August 2015 at the War Memorial.
COUNCIL SUPPORTS LOCAL BUSINESS At the last meeting of Clare Town Council on 12th August 2015 it was agreed that the Town Council would underwrite any shortfall (up to £500) in funding for the...
Christmas Lights Discussion at Clare Town Council Meeting – 23rd July 2015 In the light of recent ill-informed posts on various Facebook pages, Clare Town Council wishes to make its position clear un...
Almshouses Vacancy 3 Church Lane, Clare A vacancy has occurred for the above premises.
Clare Castle Country Park Car Park will be closed on Tuesday 7th July to allow relining work to be carried out.
World War I – the Fallen A brief commemoration will take place at 11 am on Friday 19th June 2015 at the War Memorial.
We are pleased to announce that works are soon to begin to improve Clare Castle Country Park.
July will mark the start of an essential gas mains upgrade in Cavendish Road, Clare, that will keep gas flowing to local homes and businesses until the end of the century.
The local press has covered the news of the transfer of the Country Park to local ownership: see it here.
Clare Town Council is very pleased to announce that Clare Castle Country Park has been transferred into local ownership.
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