Sports in Clare
Clare has a variety of sports clubs, here are a few listed...
Clare Town Lions Junior Football Club
Spurred on by two former Clare Town senior players, Tony Sheppard and Micky Harding, junior football took root in Clare in 2006. Tony and Micky began to run coaching sessions for free in the evening and on Saturdays, gradually attracting a core of youngsters of all ages. Andy Boddington also began a group for the 11-12 year olds.
From these beginnings, and with the thoughts of the new Football Pavilion in mind, came the Clare Town Lions Junior Football Club. Click here for more...
Clare Carpet Bowls Club
Clare Carpet Bowls Club was formed around 1993. Members meet informally to play carpet bowls amongst themselves or against other local clubs. The club is more like a social club with bowls thrown in. Every meeting is good fun, even those against other clubs, win or lose. Click here for more....
For more information please contact: Ron Longland 01787 277769.