Treble C - Clare Community Choir
Clare's Community Choir is called 'Treble C'. It is now in its second year with over 60 members, who enjoy making music and meeting-up with friendly faces at rehearsals. Local Clare resident, Nigel Partridge, is Treble C’s conductor and draws on a wealth of experience to get the best out of the singers and make each rehearsal really good fun. Nigel likes to try a mix of musical styles which blend male bass and tenor voices with female alto and soprano, creating wonderful harmonies. Treble C is currently rehearsing popular songs, show tunes as well as madrigals (short unaccompanied songs popularised in 16th century England). However, the content is always changing to keep choir members on their toes!
Singing is a great way to relax and switch off whilst learning a new skill. There is no pressure on being able to read music or to be a trained singer to enjoy being in Treble C. So, if you like singing, or are thinking about trying out a choir, then come and see Treble C perform – it might be just the tonic for the approaching winter.
Treble C meets up on the 1st and 3rdMondays of each month at the United Reformed Church, Nethergate Street, Clare. Come along and try out without obligation! For further information talk to Jenny Catton on: 01787 277206 or see our Facebook page: