Firefighter Strike - Be Prepared....

Clare Firefighters will be unaffected by the FBU strike action as they are a retained crew. However, If other fire stations are busy covering other areas there could possibly be a delay in service. If normal fire services are unavailable, it shouldn't affect what you do in a fire - get out, stay out and call 999 - don't try to tackle fire yourself.

Lifesaving Safety Tips for your Protection

  • Fit a smoke alarm and check it regularly - fit a new battery now.
  • Make a fire action plan so that everyone in your house knows how to escape in the event of fire.
  • Take care when cooking with hot oil and think about using thermostatically controlled deep fat fryers.
  • DO NOT USE CHIP PANS - this is the Fire Brigade's recommendation during the strikes.
  • Never leave lit candles unattended. · Ensure cigarettes are stubbed out and disposed of carefully.
  • Never smoke in bed.
  • Keep matches and lighters away from children.
  • Keep clothing away from heating appliances.
  • Close all doors at night - this will stop a fire spreading.
  • Unplug unused electrical appliances at night.
  • Take care in the kitchen! Accidents whilst cooking account for 59% of fires in the home.
  • Take special care when you are tired or when you've been drinking. Half of all deaths in domestic fires happen between 10pm and 8am.

Make your Escape Plan

You should know what to do if you have a fire. If a fire breaks out, you might have to get out in dark and smoky conditions. Getting out will be a lot easier if you've already planned your escape route.

  • Plan your escape route. Make sure that there isn't anything in the way that might slow you down or trip you up. Tell everyone else in your home about the escape route and practice it.
  • If you have difficulty getting about you might want to think about having your bedroom on the ground floor if this is practical. Try to make it as near as possible to the front or back door.
  • If you need help to get out, make sure that you have some way of getting help by your bed, like a buzzer, an intercom or a telephone.

Remember…get out, stay out and call 999
Don't try to tackle fire yourself

The Government is launching a major safety campaign and you can get comprehensive advice on
or by telephoning 0845 0800723.